[Update] Silica V0.8.138: A new look update!

18 March, 2025

Cover image of [Update] Silica V0.8.138: A new look update!

Hey everyone,

A brand-new update has just landed in Baltarus, and it brings some exciting changes!

Our main beat with this update is the brand-new UI changes!

This update will make the interface visually appealing and more intuitive providing a better experience while fighting for resources on Baltarus or exploring a new map!

Massive shoutout to Aleksander "Koji" Karlov for his incredible work! GG, Koji! ❤️

🌍 Introducing Black Isle!
One of the biggest highlights of this update is the addition of Black Isle, a brand-new battlefield on Centaurus. Prepare for intense combat as you explore its rugged terrain and uncover new strategic possibilities. 

Upgrade to unity 6.

We’ve upgraded to Unity 6 for better performance, so now when you miss a shot, you can’t blame lag! (Don’t worry, you can still blame your teammates. That’s tradition.)

Zoom for vehicles.

You asked, we delivered! Vehicle zooming is finally here! Now you can sit back in your tank, take aim, and pick off those pesky aliens from across the map. Tactical camping has never been this satisfying.

 Finally, we implemented a few other quality of life changes:

🚀 New Features & Enhancements

  • Save/Load System (Work-in-Progress) – We’re rolling out an early version of save/load functionality—let us know your thoughts!

  • Improved Alien Node placement

  • Structure repair (active and passive)

  • Structures placement displaying the range

  • Human ability to build restricted to the area around the HQ

  • Halved construction time and faster respawns.

  • Map Tweaks – Resource locations and starting positions have been reshuffled across most maps for a fresh strategic experience.

  • Tech Level Expansion – Tech levels now go from 4 to 8, unlocking new layers of depth in your battles.

Silica V0.8.138:


Added: Initial version of structure repair (passive and active, WIP)

Added: Camera panning to RTS mode via holding RMB (WIP)

Added: Black Isle map

Added: Vehicle zooming

Fixed: Rifleman wasn't constructible in Siege

Fixed: Sandbox set Gamemaster Team to proper faction team when using Direct Control

Fixed: Sandbox was missing some units

Improved: Sun intensity reduced when looking towards the sun

Improved: Alien node placement overhauled, allowing placing in explored areas and placing even if previous is incomplete

Improved: Spawn as any unlocked infantry if you have it researched in Strategy

Improved: Smooth camera transition between getting in/out of vehicles

Improved: Smooth camera transition between switching to/from direct control in RTS mode

Improved: Vision mode is retained when entering/exiting vehicle

Improved: Camera RMB panning in Commander view


Fixed: AI ranged weapon targeting sometimes failed, refusing to fire


Changed: Alien FPS and RTS UI entirely overhauled

Changed: Sol FPS and RTS UI entirely overhauled

Changed: Centauri FPS and RTS UI entirely overhauled

Changed: Direct control post-process effects fade away over 2s

Changed: Improved respawn menu visuals

Improved: Direct control post-process effects

Improved: UI is hidden on death

Improved: RTS Harvester/Shrimp indicator now also shows total number

Improved: FPS target/waypoint indicators

Added: UI tooltips to control groups, selected units and repair

Added: Staging and End screens for Sandbox

Added: Repairing indicator to structure outlines

Added: Maximum placement range display to all structures

Added: Blur effects for some UI elements


Changed: Upgraded to Unity 6

Changed: Default memory budget sizes to prevent clurred out textures

Added: Save/load system for singleplayer (very WIP!)

Fixed: Special UI not showing on first select in Sandbox

Fixed: Projectile hit detection sometimes failed on characters or aliens

Fixed: Sync Sandbox Gamestate on player connect

Fixed: Decals were not shown on terrain in Monument Valley

Fixed: On character death in vehicle, hands were up

Fixed: Player characters are no longer thrown out of destroyed vehicles

Fixed: Aliens sometimes slid across the ground after death

Fixed: Players sometimes spawned under terrain in Sandbox

Improved: Infantry death view is from head bone


Changed: Show '-' instead of '999' when ping cannot be gotten for servers

Changed: Strategy game mode FPS respawn time from 10s to 5s


Changed: All unit and structure construction times reduced by half

Changed: Alien technology upgrade times set to same as human

Changed: Infantry unit cap reduced from 100 to 50

Changed: Infantry unit cap costs changed from range of 1-8 to range of 1-2

Changed: Alien Node build time from 5s to 10s

Changed: All human structures (except for HQ and Outpost) maximum build range to 500m from HQ

Changed: HQ maximum build range to 1.5km from another HQ

Changed: Outpost max build range to 1km from HQ

Changed: Tech levels changed from 4 to 8 for all factions

Changed: Can no longer place structures near enemy structures

Changed: Heavy Armored Car turret pitch up max from 50deg to 30deg

Changed: Railgun Tank turret pitch up max from 30deg to 20deg

Changed: Headquarters cost from 4500 to 7000

Improved: Great Erg starting positions and resource locations

Improved: Badlands starting positions and resource locations

Improved: Rift Basin starting positions and resource locations

Improved: Monument Valley starting positions and resource locations


Fixed: Monument Valley texture holes

Fixed: Construction effect light intensity and slowly moving in world

Fixed: The Maw gas cloud obscured Commander view too much

⚠️ AI Collision Avoidance – Still in the Works

We’re making progress on AI collision avoidance, but it’s not quite ready for prime time yet. Stay tuned for future improvements!

We’d love for you to jump in, test things out, and share your feedback. Let us know if you encounter any issues—your input helps shape the game!

See you on the battlefield!