Another week, another update!

15 June, 2023

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Dear Silica community, 

Another week, and another minor update has arrived. This time, the focus lies on improvements to Harvester pathfinding and movement, as well as unit direct control to RTS where the Commander can select a single unit and switch into it, while not leaving the role. 

Here's the complete changelog: 

  • Added: Unit Direct Control to RTS

  • Added: Player tags for friendly units

  • Improved: Harvester navigation graphs

  • Improved: Wheeled vehicles (inc. Harvester) no longer do many-point turns to turn around when there is room

  • Fixed: If player limit was not changed in Server setup, the maximum value was used

We hope you'll enjoy these fixes and improvements and stay tuned for next week's update. 

See you on Baltarus!